
How to Get a Quote for Components Sourcing?

At Lioncrcuits we obtain our customer’s component quotes through BOM (Bill-Of-Materials).

What is BOM?

The process of component sourcing starts with the Bill of Materials (BOM). You should provide us with an accurate BOM with detailed information on all the necessary raw materials needed for manufacturing. At Lioncircuits we have integrated hassle-free supply chain management solution through our suite of Automated Tools. Here is a sample BOM file.

We have an automated BOM Scrubbing tool which helps you to procure components across various reputable vendors and compare the prices between them. This simplifies your Component Procurement journey easy and trouble-free. You can get instant quotes on your components here.

Login on your platform and select the Component Procurement option on your left to start uploading your BOM.


Please watch our BOM Scrubbing Tool Demo video on our PCB Component Sourcing page.


You can also visit our YouTube channel to watch this Demo video.

Note :

1. We charge a small percentage of the component cost as processing fees to cover the costs.

2. Start by scrubbing your BOM in the FREE online tool and we will help you source from different vendors.